Cameron attended Camp Ruffin' It, a day camp, the week of June 13 thru June 17 with 24 children ages 8 thru 12. She has learned: sit, down, jump through a hoop and jump a hurdle successfully just in 3 days with children training her. She is great on leash and can walk or run on leash. Camp Ruffin It dogs must pass a rigid temperament and dog-friendly test before qualifying for camp.Please see her pictures below.
Camie is a mix breed and we believe she has Border Collie in her, maybe some Beagle, a little Boxer...who knows what else but she is fantastic.
Cameron is a 1 year old Border Collie mix whose previous owners surrendered her on May 28, 2011 because they had another dog in their household who did not get along with Cameron. However, we do need to clarify that Cameron just wants to play with other dogs, and does get along with them, so this was not her fault. Cameron is already spayed and ready to go home.
Search online for <camp ruffin it> to see a video of Cammie learning "down".