Meet Mason! He is just one of the 4 males in this group. This litter of puppies came from a hoarding situation in Ohio and fortunately were able to escape the horrible living conditions in which they were subjected. All the puppies have "mechanical injury" to their tails. Basically, they all have some fur loss on their tails and the vet is hopeful that they will regrow their fur, but there are no guarantees. Other than that, they are a picture of health!!
The puppies seem to be a mix of lemon beagle and springer spaniel. Apparently, there are lots of beagles running on this property and some of the other dogs look to be spaniels. They were mostly likely born around the end of August, 2014 and will grow to be medium sized dogs. They all have wonderful temperments and are very friendly and playful!
Mason looks very much to be mostly lemon beagle. He currently weighs 10 pounds. Mason is very playful, sweet and COMICAL!! This pup has a personality that just won't quit! He is just plain silly and loves to be with people. Mason is an awesome puppy and will make a great family pet.
Mason has received his first two puppy vaccinations and dewormed twice. His adoption fee is $275. If you are interested in this great puppy, please complete an application on our website at For any questions, please send an email to
Thank you for considering a rescue puppy!!
More about Mason
Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids
Mason's sister, Carter (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Mason's brother, Dalton (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Mason's brother, James (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Mason's brother, Jesse (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Other Pictures of Mason (click to see larger version):