We adopted Izzy (aka Vanessa) on Jan. 14, 2009; Paige on June 8, 2010. When we adopted Izzy she was afraid of men and it took a week before my husband could befriend her, now when she hears his truck coming she gets so excited and jumps up at the window to watch him come up the driveway.We had a doggy door put in our house and fenced in the backyard before we adopted Paige. They took to each other right away and are inseparable. We hear the flaps on the doggy door going as they run in and out chasing each other. Paige & Izzy LOVE bedtime!!! They wait by the bedroom door till the door opens and Paige jumps up while Izzy uses the step we have for them. Paige will burrow in between our pillows, while Izzy parks herself aside of one of us and lays her head across our legs. We Love our two sweethearts, they have given us so much joy & happiness!!! Thank You Worthy Tails!!!
Update for Nellie/Paisley, March 2011
It’s hard to believe that it’s almost been a year since I adopted Nellie (formerly
Paisley)! Named after President William Howard Taft’s wife (due to her origins in
Ohio and my insatiable love for Taft history), Nellie exhibits many of the traits of
her namesake. She is smart, cute, adventurous, loving, and sometimes outspoken! I
couldn’t have asked for a better friend and companion.
Nellie has been a wonderful addition to our family and has made tremendous
strides. As of this writing, I am proud to report that she has learned over 30
different commands! She is a fast learner and loves to please, which makes training
a fun and rewarding experience for both of us.
Undoubtedly, another reason Nellie learns so quickly is because her favorite
pastime is eating (she will gladly do anything for a yummy piece of chicken, or just
about anything edible!)-- with belly rubs coming in a close second. Sometimes it
seems that she can’t get enough of either! Fortunately, she loves to go for long
walks and play with her favorite ball too!
There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t take delight in something Nellie does.
She often has all of us laughing with her attempts to talk and sing. She is also
very affectionate and there isn’t a better sight than seeing her wiggle with delight
every time someone walks through the door!
Nellie always brings a smile to my face and has enriched my life in many ways. She
is my best friend and adopting her has been a tremendous asset for both of us. I
forward to many more years of her companionship and joy.
-Betty Kaufold